Friday 20 March 2015

Production:Final Main Focus Picture- Double Page Spread

This picture was taken on a Nikon EOS DSLR camera with no filter, Manual mode and a shallow depth of field. When capturing this picture I had to adjust the shutter and aperture to ensure the exposure and depth of field was correct. I wanted the audience to become connected with the main focus of the picture, which is the Farmer character. Connecting the audience with the mise en scene of the Farmer and the conventions that fit with the idea of Farming Documentary, allowing the audience to see the link with the sheep and farmer, perhaps stereotypically showing the relationship between farmer and sheep. I feel this picture will fit perfectly with my main focus picture in my double page spread as it links to the conventions of farming and gives more information to the audience about the location; being rural, instantly connecting to farming and the mise es scene; the sheep and the stereotypical farmer clothes following the traditional traits of a Farmer.

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