Thursday 26 March 2015

Editing: Double Page Spread- Changing critcal acclaim- Award Winning

I found this critically acclaimed picture on Google images to edit in Photoshop to match the conventions of a farming documentary I wanted to ensure its in the same colour as my newspaper. I saved the picture to my settings and opened it up in Photoshop.

By using the Magic wand tool in photoshop I was able to edit the white background so I just kept the outline of the main focus. Changing the colour to white match the conventions of my newspaper and allows audiences to see the traits from the colours, linking with pure and natural.

I moved the critical acclaim to the bottom right hand corner as I felt it was losing the main focus of the double page spread, the background has been removed as it looks less edited and more professional to the audience. The move allows the audience to see more of the double page spread and understand the location more, linking to the genre and idea of farming traits.

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