Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Planning: Working In A Group

As I completed my Media AS coursework creating an Opening to a film, I worked in a pair as I found it easier to complete the task with a second opinion and someone that as the same experience and mind set as me. I chose to work with Megan Fulham due to the fact we have the same mind set and ideas as one another. It will also be practical due to the fact the location will be rural therefore own transport is essential for the production side of our project. Due to the fact she has her own car is perfect and will make it easier getting to and from location. She also has lots of media equipment which will be useful when shooting the Trailer to ensure we gain the highest quality shots possible that we are both happy with. Megan also has skills in Photography and editing so she can help and support me in the editing and shooting process, helping us improve our film further for our target audience. Check out her blog here- http://meganfulhama2filmtrailers.blogspot.co.uk/

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