Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Research: Diegetic Sound

Diegetic sound is the sound from the filming itself, where no sound as been inserted over the top. As I'm filming my trailer in a countryside environment therefore I will record the audio of stereotypical elements heard in a countryside to connect the audience with the location and the narrative. I found a piece of music which links to the sound I'm considering including in my trailer but my own version. Here is the example of the type of countryside sound I will include:

Elements such as tractors are stereotypical in a farm and allow the audience to connect with the narrative and location. The sound of a tractor allows the audience to become more involved with the story and connect to the mise en scent more. It represents a element of power and control towards the character from the loud machinery noise. Here is an example of the type of Diegetic sound I will be using:

Another type of sound I want to include in my trailer is the sound of animals. As I will have a location of a farm I need to ensure I connect the audience with the location and genre of documentary. Showing the audience realistic animal sounds to make it look more realistic and professional to the eye. Here is an example of the type of animal sounds I might include:

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