Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Research: Non-Diegetic

Non- diegetic sound is sound that is added and played over the top of a film. This isn't sound coming from the actual film  but added sound to create an atmosphere and emotions for the audience. The sound used helps the audience to understand the narrative and genre of the film more easily.Non-diegetic sound also creates tension in films, making the audience watch more.

As my genre is Documentary and the narrative is based around farming I need to ensure I connect the non- diegetic sound to the conventions. I decided to research into and analyze trailers which use certain non- diegetic sound with the genre of documentary. This will help me when adding my own sound to my trailer as I will understand the type of sound needed to fit the genre of documentary.

I decided to research certain sound to match my genre of Documentary and my target audience. I wanted to research into country music as I feel it connects to the narrative and genre and helps make the audience connect with my intentions of creating a message and meaning behind the trailer of emotion and belonging.

I wanted to look into indie music and countryside music as I want to create an atmosphere and mood of happiness and allow the audience to see the journey and represent of the character being loving and "free" due to the location of a surrounding area being rural and away for people, linking to the representation of carm and peaceful place for the audience to connect with.

We Bought A Zoo soundtrack is an example of the type of music I want to include in my trailer as it connects to a narrative of a farming lifestyle and connects to the genre of Documentary, showing the representation of the characters and location. The music will make the shots flow more and allow the audience to follow the trailer more, creating more interest and encouraging them to watch the film.

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