Monday 4 August 2014

Research- Analysing Trailers

Before deciding my chosen genre I want to look into different genres of Trailers to help me come up with a final genre and target audience. I will look at a range from Romance to Sociological Horror. This will expand my ideas and help me come up with the most suited genre that fits accessible location, props and basic mise en scene. I will look at the key elements in the trailers to workout what conventions are needed in trailers and what fits the genre conventions. Analysing; the typography, mise en scene, how the characters are represented, camera shots and angles, non diegetic and diegetic sound, filters and special effects shown. This will give me a clearer understanding on the conventions needed and how to allow the audience to understand the genre instantly.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Research- What is a Trailer/ Teaser Trailer?

Trailer definition-
A trailer is an advertisement source for a feature film which will be out in cinemas. The term 'Trailer' comes from the trailers being shown at the end of screening however this had to be change because people were leaving straight after the movie so they had to be shown at the start of the movie, but the name still stuck.

The purpose for a trailer is an advertising source to encourage the audience to view the film. Unlike teaser trailers they are the full length and often shown when the movie is complete allowing more shots to be shown to give a stronger view of the narrative to the audience. Due to the success of trailers in the advertisement sector they are shown on DVD and Blurays as well as in the cinematic experience before the actual movie is shown. The film producers have to create 'hype' before the movie is released in cinemas.

The first trailer shown in a U.S. film theater was in November 1913, when Nils Granlund, the advertising manager for the Marcus Loew theater chain, produced a short promotional film for the musical The Pleasure Seekers, opening at the Winter Garden Theatre on Broadway.

Examples of Trailers from YouTube- 

The Fault In Our Stars-

The Maleficent- 

Teaser Trailer definition-
Teaser trailer is a short section of media which helps to advertise a film. Showing short shots from the movie into a short story where the audience can follow the basic understanding of the movie. Its put into a persuasive advertisement to encourage the audiences to have an interest and want to watch the movie. It captures a brief idea to the audience to show the basic genre and a quick narrative without giving to much away. The idea is to create 'hype' and encourage the audience to watch the movie in cinemas. The teaser trailer is made when the actual film is still being produced and unfinished to create 'hype' before the movie comes out. Often giving the audience a short idea of the movie without ruining the actual plot.

A teaser campaign is an advertising campaign which consists of a series of small advertisements. These advertisements are called "teasers" or " teaser ads". A teaser trailer for an upcoming film, television program,video game or similar. Usually released long in advance of the product, to "tease" the audience.

An early example of the teaser trailer was the one for the 1978 Superman film by Richard Donner. The film was already nearly a year late; it was designed to create interest in the release.

Examples of Teaser Trailers-




What are the conventions of a full length and teaser trailer?
-Introduction to main characters, normally introducing the protagonist and antagonist. This links in with the star system advertising, if your wanting to view a film which stars Channing Tatum he will be featured in the shots.
-Clearly establish the genre of film. For example, an action film would include explosives, fighting etc, featuring the best scenes which clearly reflect that genre.
-Only feature several scenes, arising questions from the audience as the whole content of the film isn't being shown, using a jigsaw effect of only including some of the 'puzzle' to gain interest from the audience of wanting to see more.
-Genre related non-diegetic music in the background. Normally within both a full length and teaser trailer, several short clip's of music pieces are used which relate to the genre i.e. 'Titanic 3D' (2012) includes instrumental music which is soft and slow at the beginning until a change in music to 'My --Heart Will Go On' representing the drama at the climatic point of Titanic sinking.
Conventionally, the trailers stereotypically include the 'one liners' normally in action comedy/ romantic comedy/ comedy films.

What are the Technical Conventions of a full length and teaser trailer?
-Montage editing featuring many short clip's from the scene.
-Studio Ident's featured always at the beginning of the trailer.
-Depending on the genre, dramatic camera angles to enhance visuals and atmosphere.
-Inter-titles, normally including award's won or nominated for, dates, actors/actresses starring.
-Use of simple cuts due to the length of the clips being very short.
-Non-diegtic music i.e. voice over narration or scores (soundtracks)

Impact of a Teaser Trailer-
The key purpose of a teaser trailer is to create 'hype' towards the audience and get them excited and interested in watching the film when released. This type of marketing strategy is a great way of encouraging audiences to watch the film.However low budget, independent film companies can't afford to have this type of marketing to encourage the audiences to watch their film, due to new technology increasing in larger companies such as the 'Big Six' with special effects and higher quality marketing to persuade the audiences and to stay competitive in the industry. Independent have to create cheaper ways to market their films and create 'hype' before the release.

Film companies that can afford teaser trailer marketing manage to show the audience short sections of the film and basic story plot creating excitement, without giving the whole story away which creates tension and mystery within the audience making want to watch the film to find out what happens next. This technique allows the film company to become reassured that their film will get views and they will gain profits from their film.

Impact of a Trailer-
Due to a Trailer being longer than a Teaser Trailer the idea is to show the audience more of the narrative to encourage them to watch the film.The impact of a Trailer creates Hype and shows the audience more about the representation of the character's, location and over all mise en scent of the film. This makes them connect more with the film, making them more eager to watch it. Making the advertisement a bit longer allows the audience to get more involved and attach to the narrative of the of the film encouraging them to watch it.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Research: Digital Technology and the Advantages

Digital Technology-

Over the years technology has advanced and changed as we have become more knowledgeable and evolved in a way that technology is adapted to our busy lifestyle. From completing a year of media already I have gained the knowledge of how digital technology changes and impacts the production and marketing of a film. Due to digital technology companies can now produce new types of methods to sell their film to the audiences. Trailers allows the companies to encourage their audience in a more persuasive way, however due to this change from heritage to digital technology the film industry is more competitive and are constantly creating new ways to get the audience interested to watch the film. Film companies have to think of ways to maintain audience appeal so they invent new types of technology such as; special effects. This makes the audience more interested in watching the film.

The newest digital technology can be expensive and only big successful film companies can afford the latest technology to advertise their films for the audience. Often the big companies known as the 'Big Six' have huge budgets and can afford to maintain the audience appeal in this way, however smaller independent companies often have low budgets and little money to keep up-to-date with the new technology to sell their film to the audience. Therefore they have to come up with other inventive ways to encourage the audience to view their film such as Digital Marketing.

Although digital technology is expensive and only the 'Big Six' can afford the latest software, Digital technology has become very competitive within the film industry. Film companies want to maintain the audience so they go the extra mile to ensure their film advertising is interesting and the new "wow" to make the audience have an interest in the film and create "hype".

Digital technology has allowed film companies to spread their trailers at a global spread through Digital technology and the spread to film to a larger audience creating more interest in a range of audiences. In result creating profit for the company.                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Research- Methods Of Production

Friday 1 August 2014


In completion of my A2 Coursework I have to create one main and 2 ancillary tasks. I have selected to do a main Teaser Trailer, Poster and a front cover of a magazine linking to the Teaser Trailer. I will show my process of creating the Teaser Trailer and the 2 ancillary products, leading to the final products completed. In order to complete these products successfully I will have to carry out all of the following; Research, Planning and Evaluations to ensure the best results and to make it clear on my progress to success.