The layout shows an earthy and pure feel linking to the genre of Farming and instantly linking the audience to the stereotypical farming location and earthy present. The colours of green and brown show a connection to the genre and linking to an natural feel where the audience can relate to a farm.
This layout is conventional for a farming documentary as it links to the genre due to the bold pictures showing an importance for the audience and allowing them to see a connection to the location which is shown on the film, allowing the audience to gain more information about the film and become more interested in the film.
This layout matches the conventions of a farming documentary due to the bright bold picture allowing the audience to gain information from the picture of the location and stereotypical farm location, due to the main focus being the Tractor. This instantly allows the audience to see the genre and the connections with the genre. The element of the Tractor instantly shows the audience the relation to farming and the stereotypical traits farmer's follow.
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