Brief plot and Background information-
Annabelle is an American Super natural horror film, directed by John R. Leonette, produced by James Wan, and written by Gary Dauberman. It is a spin off of the film The Conjuring. The film is released October 3, 2014. Distributed by Warner Brothers Studio.
Representation Of Important Elements-
The beginning shows the indents in fast cut to create tension for the audience.An establishing shot is shown to show the location of an ordinal house, which is stereotypical for a supernatural horror so the audience can instantly connect to the genre of this film, due to the house being incident and normal. A worms eye view shot of the inside of the house turns to a tilt when the women walks in, shows an importance with the character. The non-diegetic sound creates tension for the audience, making them more involved and wanting to watch more.The music is stereotypically used in films that want to set a old 60s feel for the audience. This also sets the scene and connects with the type of characters in the film. A close up shot of the doll is shown to show the importance towards the audience and shows the mise es scent of the doll, looking old and stereotypical for a doll in a horror film to look old and frail like in the 60s. A medium shot of the doll and the two characters are shown, instantly showing the connection and relationship between the two characters and the doll in between. This shows a message of power to the audience implying the doll is in between and now involved in their relationship.
The black screen with the sudden drop in non diegetic sound shows the audience something is going to happen. The doll was the last shot shown so therefore the edit shows the connection to the doll and the sudden change in atmosphere. This instantly tells the audience the doll is the Protagonist. The first title shown has font which stereotypically links to the idea of a ghost with a fade in effect connecting to a ghost, also the black background used with the white font makes the titles stand out to the audience.

After the shot with the doll shown and the blackout cut, dark filters are used to create a different atmosphere. Dark colours are stereotypically used in horror films to create a scary and tension building atmosphere for the audience. An establishing shot is shown of the house. This shot connects to the establishing shot at the beginning however the filter was lighter and the atmosphere was different. This instantly tells the audience that the doll has negatively affected the protagonist house and how the doll has change the mood and vibe, stereotypically connecting to the conventions of a supernatural horror.
A tracking shot of the window is used to show the importance of that location to the audience. Tension and atmosphere builds when non diegetic sound is played with a quick bass tune to show the importance of the activity and to scare and frighten the audience, showing the antagonist has power and dominates other the main characters making the audience nervous for what will happen. The mise es scent of the white flowing curtains stereotypically links to the conventions of a supernatural horror due to the idea of a ghostly presents. The closeup of the two main characters sleeping stereotypically connects to the conventions of a horror, with the protagonist being vulnerable and unaware of the danger, which creates tension for the audience and makes them against the antagonist. The non diegetic sound stays eyry and builds tension. A tracking shot of the women left alone stereotypically links to a horror with the women being instantly and vulnerable which matches the stereotypical feminine traits.
Quick cuts are used to show the activity connecting to the storyline. They create tension within the audience and build up the atmosphere. The fast cuts creates action and makes the audience want to watch more. The non diegetic sound gets louder as the tension increases, making the audience aware of the danger and something important is going to happen. Flash cut are used to allow the audience to guess and discover the narrative and make them more interested to watch the film. Finally the title "Annabella" cuts to the doll, showing the connection to the audience, connecting the name with the doll showing she is the most important to the audience.

The basic narrative of the film is based around the Antagonist which is the doll in this case due to the mise es scent of the doll looking stereotypical as a horror doll with the old ancient feel towards the doll. The doll is shown a lot throughout which connects the audience with the the idea of the doll being the important factor in the film. The protagonist in this film is clearly two characters because they are shown looking vulnerable and a vittum. The couple are shown a lot throughout the film connecting them to the role of protagonists. The close up shot of the doll suddenly non- diegtetic sound changes to a darker atmosphere with the use of filters, mentions above. This shows the doll will have an impact on the couple and affect them throughout the film. This may lead to a climax of the protagonist defeating the antagonist or in most conventional horror movies the antagonist defeats them, building up tension and atmosphere throughout and drawing the audience more in and encouraging them to keep watching. The protagonist stays unaware of the danger which is stereotypical for following the conventions of a horror film.