Back ground and brief plot-
The Hobbit is an upcoming 2014 epic fantasy adventure film, directed by Peter Jackson and written by Jackson, Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, and Guillermo del Toro. It will be the third and final film released. Distributed by Warner Brothers, the film will be released on the 12th December 2014. The budget is $250 million, with CGI and special effects. The film has a continuing plot between three,2 hour long films each. The basic storyline contests of a fantasy world with Dwarfs, Monsters and mystery creatures. On a quest to save the world, with action and adventure throughout it brings excitement and tension for the audience.
Representation of important elements-
This Teaser Trailer has a genre of fantasy/adventure. The indent at the start has an old effect, showing the clear company to the audience and allowing them to discover the type of film this is about. The moving forward effect creates a 3D feel and connects the audience further into the trailer. The first shot shows a clear medium shot of a man which implies he is the main character and allows the audience to understand the representation of this character. The character is show throughout the beginning showing he is important. The quick cut creates a montage and connection between the main character and the female. The fade out and in to black effect, creates an eery feel, connecting with the dietetic, making the trailer flow more and connect to the audience. The establishing shot of the location with clear panning effects show the audience the connection with the genre. The special effects of fire used to represent the CGI dragon connects with the genre of fantasy and shows the link to the narrative. The filters used show a dark and creepy atmosphere telling the audience a connection to the narrative and how it creates tension for the audience, making them want to watch more.
The tracking shots connect to the genre of adventure and allows the audience to follow the narrative and feel for involved within the trailer, making them on edge and creating tension within the audience. The fast cuts and montage arrangements show a connection to the narrative and links to the genre of fantasy and adventure.
The non dietetic sound that starts later on in the trailer creates a connection to the type of eery atmosphere and shows the audience a urban and rustic feel. The fade in, worm eye shot shows a man walking with bare feet. This shows the representation of the characters and the traits of a masculine trailer due to the mis es scene used such as the makeup, creating a dirty and rustic look. This also connects with the genre of adventure.
The Trailer follows a simple storyline connecting to The Lord Of The Rings, The Protagonist which is the main character in this case the hero 'hobbit' he has to complete a mission to save the day. The Antagonist in this film is what looks like the animated dragon due to the fire showing power and dominates over the other characters. The right shot is the antagonist showing distribution and impact on the location making the audience assume they are the villain in this film and the audience can understand the narrative of the film with conflict between the protagonist and the antagonist throughout. The dragon is important and shows the audience the main problem in this film due to the non diegetic sound changing instantly as soon as the shot is shown, louder and faster. This makes the audience understand that this dragon is going to make an impact and sudden change to the narrative making it the middle cilmx of the film.
The typography used has an effective black back drop, showing a connection to the genre and making the title stand out and showing an importance to the audience. The title also links to the representation of the dragon, making the audience connect more with the narrative. The title also shows a connection to the stereotype of masculine traits, perhaps male audiences are more appeal to the film.
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