This advert is a theatrical advert this mainly contains information about the production personnel, the stars, and the distributors. The poster shows the representation of the characters, allowing the audience to see the different personalities and how they are represented in the film. The boy (Harry) in the middle of the poster implies that he is the main focus and the main character. The lighting in the background shows the connection to Harry being the main focus and draws the audience in, standing out and helping to separate the characters as they are represented. The title also connects to the main character with it clearly in the middle of the boy, standing out and allowing the audience to understand the clear link to the name and the boy relating the main focus to the title, suggesting the film is about him. The characters each side of him are shown as possible stock characters, due to the position their standing allowing Harry to take centre position and standing aside. The lighting is more dark around the stock characters and has a light tunnel effect, drawing the audience to Harry where the light stops and becomes more obvious behind him. This Instantly makes the audience look straight at the main focus (Protagonist) and then to the stock characters.

Referring back to the typography of the poster, the graphics shown represents the title is a also fantasy, "warrior" style connecting the audience to movies such as The Hobbit or Lord Of The Rings. The typography on the right is an example of The Lord Of The Rings typography and how it relates and links to the advert of Harry Potter due to the graphics used it creates a mystery and often stereotypical in a Science Fiction storyline. This instantly allows the audience to understand the narrative and genre more for the film, suggesting the film is based around a mythical and action based narrative connecting to a genre of adventure and fantasy based due to the typography being stereotypical for that spective genre. The dark silver stands out and represents a message of power and strength due to the graphics have a connection to silver weapons such as a sword. Due to the main character connecting to the typography from the position he is standing and the way the audience can see the main focus at the same time as focusing on the title suggest the representation of the typography connects to the main characters traits of being strong and powerful which often is stereotypical for the Protagonist character.
The names of the actors are shown at the bottom of the advert to show the audience the type of actors that are acting in the film and whether they can relate to other films they have been in, creating interest and encouraging the audience to watch the film. Although the distributors are encouraging the audience to watch the film due to certain well known actors in it they have put the actors list in small print at the bottom to ensure the main focus of the characters and the title is't removed by making the actors list standout more to the audience. This allows the audience to become more involved with the genre and narrative, creating more interest and "hype".
The mise en scent of the characters holding a "wand" like weapon suggests the narrative is a fantasy adventure, showing to the audience the connection to the weapon and perhaps danger due to the defending weapon shown perhaps the Antagonist is Science fiction and magical due to the stereotypical connection of an fantasy adventure film. The fact that the main focus (protagonist) is holding the wand suggests again that he is represented as powerful and strong. Creating more interest for the audience, encouraging them to watch the film as they want to support him and see what happens. The mise en scent of the characters clothes help the audience to connect with the idea of them being in some education due to the stereotypical school uniform and the smart wear they are represented in. This allows the audience to understand the target audience of the film, suggesting due to the character in the mise en scent of uniform they are aged around 12-18 years, stereotypical for a child in education. This suggests the target audience for this film is 12+ , encouraging this age range to watch the film.
The colour of the advert is dark and gloomy, creating a scary and on edge atmosphere for the audience. Theses colours are stereotypical for this genre of film due to the mystery and interest it creates in the audience. Encouraging them to watch the film and discover what happens next. The dark almost cloudy,graphic effect created shows a possible connection to the narrative of being a mystery as well as drawing the audience into the plot and the characters.
The advert gives clear information on the release date, in bold and big text to encourage and standout to the audience showing the date is important. The company and distributor is clearly stated at the bottom separate for the audience to see and for it to make an impact on the audience.